Rafał P. Szymański - 10 cze 2009, o 10:54
Otrzymaliśmy propozycję udziału w szkole Tory, Tanach i trudnych zagadnień judaizmu i chrześcijaństwa, prowadzonej przez unitariańskiego mesjanistę - Uriego Marcusa z Izraela. Wykłady niestety po angielsku - proszę więc osoby biegłe w tym języku o pomoc. Poniżej podaje treść zaproszenia:
Shalom to all,
I apologize that is has been so many years since I have taken the time to post to you through the "Adonai Echad" Course. After numerous emails and encouragement from many of you around the world, over the course of the past five years, I now understand the urgency and need to re-open the on-line course and expand it to include a discussion forum.
The forum I have in mind, however, will take a different approach to learning Torah values than other on-line forums currently available. My intentions are not only to tackle difficult and often censored theological perspectives, but to encourage fellowship and networking between those who have often been rejected, have suffered isolation, felt disfellowshipped, or have been marginalized, simply on account of their views and theological perspectives.
It is apparent that many believers in Yeshua have become increasingly disillusioned with the Messianic community, its leadership, and with its most commonly held views, attitudes and practices. This forum's goal will be to bring a balance to the sectarianism that has crept into the movement and left it in an unstable, confused, divisive and unappealing condition, seeking a way instead to lesson the tensions between Judaism and typical Messianic perceptions and teachings. In our forum, appreciation of and respect for (but not blind submission to) Rabbinic teaching shall be explored and developed.
The forum will offer responses to divisive views in the form of arguments but it will strive maintain a policy of avoidance of ad hominem arguments (i.e. against the man), in order to prevent leshon hara (bringing evil reports or smear campaigns) against other organizations or individuals.
The name of our forum, "Chut HaMishulash" or "three-fold cord," is taken from the text of Kohelet (Eccl) 4:12, in which the preacher states that "one who attacks may defeat a loner, but two can resist him; and a three-stranded cord is not easily broken."
In our case, the three cords represent the community building blocks of...
1. Mikra'ei Kodesh (Holy Assemblies [by gathering the holy together])
2. Limud Torah (Learning and Studying the Torah)
3. Tikun Olam (Fixing the world by elevating it to a higher spiritual level and infusing it with holiness)
Proverbs 11:14 expresses the concept this way:
"Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety [implied is both spiritual as well as physical]."
The following are some of the topics that we shall endeavor to discuss, as we go through the Torah's weekly parashot...
1 What is the revealed name of G-d, and how do we pronounce it, or address Him?
2 Words studies in the Hebrew Language.
3 The Deity arguments concerning Yeshua, and the dangers of putting a face on G-d.
4 The Tithe -- does it belong in the Church?
5 How to study the Torah and other Jewish Literature.
6 Torah and its relevancy today.
7 Should we observe all 613 commandments?
8 The virgin birth and the concept of the Second Adam.
9 What does the Torah say about divorce, and how did Yeshua and Sha'ul relate to it?
10 What is the real meaning of "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem?"
11 Is there going to be a Temple rebuilt before Mashiach returns?
12 Will there be sacrifice at the Temple in Jerusalem during the Messianic Age?
13 Why is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem so important?
14 Two House Theology... Who is my brother Ephriam, and where is he going?
15 The Garden of Eden -- Where is it?
16 When exactly did Yeshua rise from the dead? Which day?
17 Where exactly in Jerusalem was Yeshua crucified?
18 When does the Lord return, which day?
19 Are we really going to heaven, when we depart this world for the next?
20 Leaving the Church... when is it proper? When is it unwise?
21 What does Is 9:6 say (Wonderful Counselor, Might G-d, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace)?
22 What does Jer 23:5-6 say (His name shall be called the L-RD our Righteousness)?
23 Which calender should be used, in determining the feasts outlined in the Torah?
24 Living with the tensions of controversy without pretending they don't or shouldn't exist.
25 Examining Jewish Prayer, and improving our Kavanah (intent in prayer).
26 Dismantling the personality cult in the community of faith, and restoring family values instead.
27 Was Yeshua crucified on a Roman cross?
28 Ps 23: The paths of righteousness?
29 Did Yeshua see Avraham Avinu (John 8 and Gen 22)?
30 What is the meaning of Yarke'tei Tzafon (sides of the north) in Ps 48:2
31 Will the Lion ever lay down with the Lamb?
32 The great wedding banquet at the end of days: Who is getting married anyway?
33 The coming Kingdom of G-d vs. "getting saved."
In addition to the above, we will also be encouraging participants to suggest other topics for consideration.
We hope to launch two pilot programs (2 hours each in duration), the first of which will begin on Elul 3, 5769, which is Sunday, the 23rd of August, 2009, at 6 pm California time (time) in Australia/New Zealand. For those who express a desire to join the forum, a user ID and password which will be needed to log into the virtual meeting room, will be sent.
Chut HaMishulash (an Israel-based entity) will be organized in part and licensed under Messengers of Messiah, to enable us to accept and receipt tax-deductible contributions from US contributors. Contributors from other countries may not be able to have their contributions recognized by their respective tax authorities. Your contributions will help cover the costs of the Internet service needed to host the forum, and pay the teachers (the forum will host several teachers), for the laborer is worthy of his wages (1 Tim 5:18).
Advance registration will be necessary, prior to entering the virtual conference room, in order to obtain your access code and password, so for now, if you are interested in joining the forum, please register by sending us an email to: In this way, we'll be able to get an idea of how many plan to participate in the upcoming pilot programs, and we'll be able to protect the integrity of the forum and its members.
We look forward to weaving our Chut HaMishulash with you, for the sake of Yerushali'im (Jerusalem), Ha'Ir sh'chubra-la yachdav (the city which shall be brought together in His unity) -- Mizmor [Ps] 122:3.
Uri Marcus
artur olczykowski - 10 cze 2009, o 12:01
Nie ma co tlumaczyc. Jesli ktos nie zna angielskiego to i tak nie wezmie udzialu w tej szkole... Co mozna zrobic, to moge sie zapytac Uriego i w miare postepu szkoly tlumaczyc i umieszczac na swojej stronie (i innych, jesli ktos bedzie chcial skorzystac z tlumaczenia) poszczegolne lekcje....
Kefas - 11 cze 2009, o 19:28
Ja już się angielskiego nie naucze ,ale chociaż przykro żerowac na czyjejs wiedzy , byłoby jednak pięknie gdybys to Ty Arturze tłumaczył i umieszczał na swojej stronie robiąc wieką sprawe dla Boga i ludzi. Druga sprawa to odwiedziny Marcusa w Polsce, chetnie pojechał bym na spotkanie , bo czuję w tym człowieku jakis niesamowity potencjał i nie potrafie tego okresli , ale coś w nim jest.
Pozdrawiam !
artur olczykowski - 28 sie 2009, o 12:51
19 wrzesnia ma zaczac sie kurs. Jest okolo 70 chetnych. Bede na biezaco informowal o tym jak sie rozwija.
Andrzej Wołyński - 28 sie 2009, o 17:32
Czy będesz miec mozliwosc postawic Uri Marcusu jakie pytanie?
Rafał P. Szymański - 10 cze 2009, o 10:54
Otrzymaliśmy propozycję udziału w szkole Tory, Tanach i trudnych zagadnień judaizmu i chrześcijaństwa, prowadzonej przez unitariańskiego mesjanistę - Uriego Marcusa z Izraela. Wykłady niestety po angielsku - proszę więc osoby biegłe w tym języku o pomoc. Poniżej podaje treść zaproszenia:
Shalom to all,
I apologize that is has been so many years since I have taken the time to post to you through the "Adonai Echad" Course. After numerous emails and encouragement from many of you around the world, over the course of the past five years, I now understand the urgency and need to re-open the on-line course and expand it to include a discussion forum.
The forum I have in mind, however, will take a different approach to learning Torah values than other on-line forums currently available. My intentions are not only to tackle difficult and often censored theological perspectives, but to encourage fellowship and networking between those who have often been rejected, have suffered isolation, felt disfellowshipped, or have been marginalized, simply on account of their views and theological perspectives.
It is apparent that many believers in Yeshua have become increasingly disillusioned with the Messianic community, its leadership, and with its most commonly held views, attitudes and practices. This forum's goal will be to bring a balance to the sectarianism that has crept into the movement and left it in an unstable, confused, divisive and unappealing condition, seeking a way instead to lesson the tensions between Judaism and typical Messianic perceptions and teachings. In our forum, appreciation of and respect for (but not blind submission to) Rabbinic teaching shall be explored and developed.
The forum will offer responses to divisive views in the form of arguments but it will strive maintain a policy of avoidance of ad hominem arguments (i.e. against the man), in order to prevent leshon hara (bringing evil reports or smear campaigns) against other organizations or individuals.
The name of our forum, "Chut HaMishulash" or "three-fold cord," is taken from the text of Kohelet (Eccl) 4:12, in which the preacher states that "one who attacks may defeat a loner, but two can resist him; and a three-stranded cord is not easily broken."
In our case, the three cords represent the community building blocks of...
1. Mikra'ei Kodesh (Holy Assemblies [by gathering the holy together])
2. Limud Torah (Learning and Studying the Torah)
3. Tikun Olam (Fixing the world by elevating it to a higher spiritual level and infusing it with holiness)
Proverbs 11:14 expresses the concept this way:
"Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety [implied is both spiritual as well as physical]."
The following are some of the topics that we shall endeavor to discuss, as we go through the Torah's weekly parashot...
1 What is the revealed name of G-d, and how do we pronounce it, or address Him?
2 Words studies in the Hebrew Language.
3 The Deity arguments concerning Yeshua, and the dangers of putting a face on G-d.
4 The Tithe -- does it belong in the Church?
5 How to study the Torah and other Jewish Literature.
6 Torah and its relevancy today.
7 Should we observe all 613 commandments?
8 The virgin birth and the concept of the Second Adam.
9 What does the Torah say about divorce, and how did Yeshua and Sha'ul relate to it?
10 What is the real meaning of "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem?"
11 Is there going to be a Temple rebuilt before Mashiach returns?
12 Will there be sacrifice at the Temple in Jerusalem during the Messianic Age?
13 Why is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem so important?
14 Two House Theology... Who is my brother Ephriam, and where is he going?
15 The Garden of Eden -- Where is it?
16 When exactly did Yeshua rise from the dead? Which day?
17 Where exactly in Jerusalem was Yeshua crucified?
18 When does the Lord return, which day?
19 Are we really going to heaven, when we depart this world for the next?
20 Leaving the Church... when is it proper? When is it unwise?
21 What does Is 9:6 say (Wonderful Counselor, Might G-d, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace)?
22 What does Jer 23:5-6 say (His name shall be called the L-RD our Righteousness)?
23 Which calender should be used, in determining the feasts outlined in the Torah?
24 Living with the tensions of controversy without pretending they don't or shouldn't exist.
25 Examining Jewish Prayer, and improving our Kavanah (intent in prayer).
26 Dismantling the personality cult in the community of faith, and restoring family values instead.
27 Was Yeshua crucified on a Roman cross?
28 Ps 23: The paths of righteousness?
29 Did Yeshua see Avraham Avinu (John 8 and Gen 22)?
30 What is the meaning of Yarke'tei Tzafon (sides of the north) in Ps 48:2
31 Will the Lion ever lay down with the Lamb?
32 The great wedding banquet at the end of days: Who is getting married anyway?
33 The coming Kingdom of G-d vs. "getting saved."
In addition to the above, we will also be encouraging participants to suggest other topics for consideration.
We hope to launch two pilot programs (2 hours each in duration), the first of which will begin on Elul 3, 5769, which is Sunday, the 23rd of August, 2009, at 6 pm California time (time) in Australia/New Zealand. For those who express a desire to join the forum, a user ID and password which will be needed to log into the virtual meeting room, will be sent.
Chut HaMishulash (an Israel-based entity) will be organized in part and licensed under Messengers of Messiah, to enable us to accept and receipt tax-deductible contributions from US contributors. Contributors from other countries may not be able to have their contributions recognized by their respective tax authorities. Your contributions will help cover the costs of the Internet service needed to host the forum, and pay the teachers (the forum will host several teachers), for the laborer is worthy of his wages (1 Tim 5:18).
Advance registration will be necessary, prior to entering the virtual conference room, in order to obtain your access code and password, so for now, if you are interested in joining the forum, please register by sending us an email to: In this way, we'll be able to get an idea of how many plan to participate in the upcoming pilot programs, and we'll be able to protect the integrity of the forum and its members.
We look forward to weaving our Chut HaMishulash with you, for the sake of Yerushali'im (Jerusalem), Ha'Ir sh'chubra-la yachdav (the city which shall be brought together in His unity) -- Mizmor [Ps] 122:3.
Uri Marcus
artur olczykowski - 10 cze 2009, o 12:01
Nie ma co tlumaczyc. Jesli ktos nie zna angielskiego to i tak nie wezmie udzialu w tej szkole... Co mozna zrobic, to moge sie zapytac Uriego i w miare postepu szkoly tlumaczyc i umieszczac na swojej stronie (i innych, jesli ktos bedzie chcial skorzystac z tlumaczenia) poszczegolne lekcje....
Kefas - 11 cze 2009, o 19:28
Ja już się angielskiego nie naucze ,ale chociaż przykro żerowac na czyjejs wiedzy , byłoby jednak pięknie gdybys to Ty Arturze tłumaczył i umieszczał na swojej stronie robiąc wieką sprawe dla Boga i ludzi. Druga sprawa to odwiedziny Marcusa w Polsce, chetnie pojechał bym na spotkanie , bo czuję w tym człowieku jakis niesamowity potencjał i nie potrafie tego okresli , ale coś w nim jest.
Pozdrawiam !
artur olczykowski - 28 sie 2009, o 12:51
19 wrzesnia ma zaczac sie kurs. Jest okolo 70 chetnych. Bede na biezaco informowal o tym jak sie rozwija.
Andrzej Wołyński - 28 sie 2009, o 17:32
Czy będesz miec mozliwosc postawic Uri Marcusu jakie pytanie?