
H1gh - 2008-05-01, 15:02
znacie moze komendy dla airstikow dla serweru? Chcialbym w jakis sposob wylaczyc airstriki na rankingowym serwerze, np. by bomby ktore spadaja nie robili nikomu krzywdy ;)

dla Heli znam:

set scr_heli_armor "100"
set scr_heli_armor_bulletdamage "0.3"
set scr_heli_attract_range "4096"
set scr_heli_attract_strength "1000"
set scr_heli_hardpoint_interval "180"
set scr_heli_health_degrade "0"
set scr_heli_loopmax "1"
set scr_heli_maxhealth "1" //set this to 1=helo can be shot down with pistol. 1300=default
set scr_heli_missile_engage_dist "2000"
set scr_heli_missile_friendlycare "256"
set scr_heli_missile_max "3"
set scr_heli_missile_regen_time "10"
set scr_heli_missile_rof "5"
set scr_heli_missile_target_cone "0.3"
set scr_heli_rage_missile "5"
set scr_heli_target_recognition "0.3"
set scr_heli_target_spawnprotection "5"
set scr_heli_targeting_delay "0.5"
set scr_heli_turret_engage_dist "1000"
set scr_heli_turret_spinup_delay "0.75"
set scr_heli_turretClipSize "0" //this is the critical item, set to 0, helo doesn't fire. Default is 40.
set scr_heli_turretReloadTime "1.5"
set scr_heli_visual_range "3500"

dzieku tym komendom np. moge zrobic Heli no ammo, 1 hp itp.

Za odpowiedzi z gory dziekuje.

Iw4n3q - 2008-05-29, 17:06
set scr_hardpoint_allowartillery 0

Dla UAV i Helikoptera

set scr_hardpoint_allowuav 0
set scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter 0

nie pomagaj± te ?

H1gh - 2008-05-30, 00:05
to jest dla serwerow nierankingowych, nie da sie na ranked uzyc tych komend... ech...

a dla helikoptera znam i wiem co zrobic by wlecial i wylecial z mapy nikogo nie zabijajac ;) Airstrikow poki co nie widzialem zadnej mozliwosci :/
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